Tue. Jan 14th, 2025

Admob, You must have used Smartphones. You must have seen Ads in many apps installed from Google Play Store. As soon as you see these ads, the question will arise in your mind that how and why do these ads appear?, Can you also earn money by showing ads like this?, After all, which company’s ads are these and why do these companies show us ads. .

There are many such questions to which you would like to know the answer. When it comes to which company these ads belong to, the simple answer is Google AdMob. Google AdMob is a Google product that shows ads with apps for Android and iOS platforms.


AdMob is one of the methods that owners of mobile apps use recently to earn money. AdMob enables you to earn money by showing ads in an app. The more attraction the ad created by you using AdMob, the more you can earn more income.

Today we will tell in this post how to earn money from Admob. You can earn money by In App Advertising. With the help of Admob, you can create your own app and earn money by showing ads in it. So let’s know what is Admob and how to earn money from it.

What is Admob?

AdMob is a performance-based marketing product that was developed by Google, and it helps you earn income by publishing banners and video ads.

The AdMob platform gives an opportunity to earn additional income for those who do business of their mobile apps in Android and iOS app stores.

In addition, because these advertisements are responsive, their size can be automatically set according to the screen sizes of those mobile devices, which prohibits negatively affecting the user’s experience.

how to earn money from admob 2022


Admob also works like Google Adsense. The way you get money from Google Adsense, you also get it from Admob. The only difference is that Google Adsense serves ads on blogs/websites, and YouTube channels, and Admob serves ads on mobile phone apps.

To earn money from Admob, you have to follow the process given below. By following these methods you can earn from Admob.

  1. If you want to earn money from Admob, then first of all you should have an Admob account. It is necessary for a common man to have an Abmob account.
  2. You should have your own Android App, you can develop Android App from App Developer, either if you have knowledge of App Development then you can develop App. You can easily earn money by going to Admob Account in this App and creating Ads Unit by adding that Ads Unit to yourself and uploading it to App Play Store.
  3. Whenever a person downloads your app from the Play Store, the ads placed through you will be shown, when there is a click on that ad, you will get income.
  4. The more you win, the more your App Downloads will happen, the more people will use your App, the more you can earn from Admob.
  5. To upload your app on Google Play Store, you have to create an account by paying $ 25. Then your App will be uploaded in Play Store.
  6. If your App becomes popular, then you can easily earn money by buying and selling the App.

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9 prizes to get at Free Fire this week

Free Fire event will have several rewards for the community.

This week Garena will bring more news to the “Arraiá FF” event, where users will be able to collect prizes such as the Free Fire Magic Cube, this Sunday June 5, 2022 we will list the items and dates.

The main rewards of FF in 2022 are the Magic Cube, “Panda de Dormir” skin and Samalandra, the awards will be available at different events and dates.

Check below the items and how to unlock the rewards of Arraiá FF

“Zé Charminho” and “Maria Gracinha” packages: the skins will be at the “Clothes Exchange Booth” event from June 6th to 22nd, to collect the customizations, the event token will be required;

“Sleeping Panda” skin: the new customization for male characters will be in the “Bargain Party” event from June 10;
Loot box: the new skin will be in the “Esquadrão do Arraiá” event between June 10th and 16th;

Samalandra: the new Free Fire pet will be at the login event on June 11

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By Dheeraj Roy


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