Indian Superstar Veer Mahaan was seen returning in a new character on Raw after 38 years at WWE WrestleMania. Veer Mahaan has seen a dangerous form since his comeback and has dominated the red brand. Not only this, Veer Mahaan often keeps on conveying his words to the fans through social media. Recently, once again Veer Mahaan has messaged his fans through a post on Instagram.
After the Great Khali, a new sensation from India is making a splash in the world of wrestling. This is Veer Mahan whose name as well as his look is also covered on social media.
Veer Mahan’s journey from a small village in Uttar Pradesh to WWE has been quite a struggle and thrill.
Veer real name is Rinku Singh Rajput and he was born on 8 August 1988 in Gopiganj, Ravidas Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh.
Rinku Singh’s father works as a truck driver. He has 9 children. One of them is Rinku Singh Rajput. The Singh family lives in a small village in Gopiganj.
He has been fond of playing since childhood and has also been doing wrestling.